
  • S. Gulak
  • E. Yermolenko
  • M. Usvatov
  • Y. Chernyh


generalized asynchronous machine yavnopolyusna machine, generalized physical model cars, phase zone current layers, dynamic variables generalized machine structure generalized machine variables conservative, non-conservative variables


The article reviewed and researched the choice of coordinates when simulating induction motor, the transition from the true coordinates to kvazikoordynat shown adequacy image multiphase machine with a two-phase generalized and reverse transition from generalized two-phase machine to multiphase developed physical and mathematical models of generalized asynchronous motor with a view study of dynamic processes in asynchronous motor. Developed requirements for the magnetic structure and location of the zones in the generalized phase physical model of induction motor. Definition of dynamic variables
generalized asynchronous electric machine. Dynamic variables classified as conservative and non-conservative. Given the mathematical definition of dynamic parameters of generalized asynchronous machine. The article adopted restrictions − motor windings symmetrical voltage − sinusoidal. This article is the basis for the further definition of dynamic variables in the environment where the motor winding − asymmetrical, and voltage − not sinusoidal.


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How to Cite

Gulak, S., Yermolenko, E., Usvatov, M., & Chernyh, Y. (2018). DETERMINATION OF GENERALIZED DYNAMIC VARIABLE INDUCTION MOTOR. Transport Systems and Technologies, (29), 143–153. Retrieved from



Technics and techology